Approximately 16% of the working population abuse drugs, representing more than
three-quarters (76.4%) of all illicit drug users 18 and older. (Household Survey on Drug Abuse in America / SAMSHA )
Employees typically favor drug testing of workers in safety-sensitive jobs (95%), office workers (69%), health care workers (92%), and factory workers (81%)? they even favor drug testing of people in their "own occupations" (78%). (Gallup survey)
According to the American Council on Drug Education, drug abusers are 10 times more likely to miss work than those who are clean and sober.
The average company implementing drug testing can help reduced workplace injuries 51%
within two years, and is very effective reducing workers? compensation experience-rating
modification factors in the first three years immediately following the implementation of a
program. (?An Evaluation of Drug Testing in the Workplace: A Study of the Construction
Industry,? Gerber, Cornell University & National Council on Compensation Insurance / NCCI)
- The number one reason why employers in the construction industry drug test their employees and job applicants is to promote the safety of their workers and those who use the products and services. In addition, company officials believe that drug testing contributes positively to a company?s image and is an effective deterrent in preventing drug abuse.
- The vast majority of respondents, whether or not they utilized drug testing, think substance abuse is a ?moderately serious problem? in the construction industry.
- Company officials generally believed their drug-testing programs had a positive impact in
virtually every respect. The most positive impacts of the programs concerned the overall
safety of the work environment, reductions in workers? compensation costs, and the quality
of job applicants.
In 1983, less than one percent of employees were subject to drug testing. Today, approximately 49 percent of full-time workers are subject to some from of workplace drug testing (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration)
12% of workers say the have used illicit drugs within the past year (higher risk occupations:
construction works, food preparers)
Drug use in the U.S. workforce continues to climb. (Quest Diagnostics' Drug Testing Index)
Drug and alcohol abuse is one of the four top reasons for the rise in workplace violence.
(ASIS presentation)
Self reported by drug abusers in the workplace
- 75% reported using drugs on the job.
- 64% admitted drugs adversely affected their job performance.
- 44% sold drugs to other employees.18% had stolen from co-workers to support their habit. (National Cocaine Hotline)
Currently, 67% of major U.S. firms test for drugs to some degree. (American Management
Association, June , 2000)
Drugs other than alcohol have been identified as factors in 18% of deaths among motor vehicle drivers. (Field Test of On-Site Drug Detection Devices Final Report -- October 2000)
- In Canada, drugs were involved in 36% of FATALLY INJURED DRIVERS (CASES), for the April 1999 to November 2001 period. Coroner, forensic laboratory and police accident records for 354 fatally injured drivers of passenger vehicles were matched. 17.8% drugs only, 12.4% alcohol and drugs. (The Contribution of Alcohol and Other Drugs Among Fatally Injured Drivers in Quebec: Some Preliminary Results C. Dussault1, M. Brault2 , J. Bouchard2 and A.M. Lemire2
- 23 percent of the dead truck drivers test positive to stimulants, resulting in 20 per cent of the total road death total in Australia. (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, STANDING COMMITTEE ON FAMILY AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, Reference: Substance abuse in Australian communities, FRIDAY, 16 AUGUST 2002, CANBERRA, BY AUTHORITY OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES)
- Saliva has the advantage of people being able to collect the sample themselves. They can be observed immediately, with virtually minimum health risks. ? saliva is appropriate, because multiple studies prove? (drugs are) ?detectable in the saliva for the first hour, and it is in the first hour that you are particularly impaired. (HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, STANDING COMMITTEE ON FAMILY AND COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, Reference: Substance abuse in Australian communities, FRIDAY, 16 AUGUST 2002, CANBERRA, BY AUTHORITY OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES)
At GM, drug using employees average 40 days sick leave each year, compared to 4.5 days for non-users
“Employers win most drug testing cases”
Employers prevail in 2/3 of the approximately 1,200 legal decisions involving drug testing on a state level and employers prevail 76% of the time on a federal level.
(Source: 2004-2005 Guide to State and Federal Drug Testing Laws)
More information on Workplace drug testing: An Evaluation of Drug Testing in the Workplace: A Study of the Construction Industry